Saturday, January 13, 2018

Concepts of Marketing

Marketing is based on many concepts as per the orientation and the perception of the firms about the business and marketplace, those concepts are:

Exchange Concepts
This concept of marketing indicates that the exchange of a product between the seller and buyer is necessary

Production Concept
Production dominates the thinking process of the consumers. Products produced in a great volume at a low unit cost are supported by the consumer.

Product Concept
In this concept, quality of the product is focussed. Good and quality products are provided to the consumers.

Sales Concept
Large-scale promotion is believed to maximize the selling. Organisation resort to aggressive advertising, high power personal selling. The customer is neglected in this concept.

Marketing Myopia
When an organisation gives excessive attention to the production of the production or the product or the selling at the cost of consumer actual need the marketing myopia is created


Production Concept
It holds that the consumer will prefer a product that is widely available and inexpensive. It focuses on achieving high Production Efficiency-Low cost-Mass distribution.

Product Concept
Consumer favours the product that offers the most quality, performance and innovative feature.

Selling Concept
It holds consumer and business if left alone won’t buy enough of organization’s products. It requires aggressive selling and promotion efforts

Marketing Concepts
It holds that key to achieving organizational goals is more effective than the competitors in creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value to your chosen target market

Holistic Marketing Concept
It is based on development, design and implementation of marketing program, process & activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies. It recognizes that everything matters


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