Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sample Interview Questions

Personality Questions

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What are your major weaknesses?

3. What are your major strengths?

4. How do you spend your free time?

5. Convince me you are a team player.

6. What are your three greatest achievements?

7. What was the most difficult situation you ever faced?

8. Give me three examples of your creativity.

9. Convince me you are hard working.

10. Why are you special?

11. How have you coped when your work has been criticized?

12. What are your preferred working conditions, working alone or in a group and why?

13. How do you measure your own performance?

14. What five adjectives would you use that best describe you?

15. When have you had a problem with management?

16. A manager asks you to do something that you disagree with. What do you say?

17. If someone does not like, how do you deal with it, and if I starts to affect your work, what would you do?

18. If we had asked you to come to this interview in fancy dress, would you have come and if so what as?

19. If you could go back to a period of history, which would it be and why?

20. How would a tutor, teacher or friend describe you?

21. What motivates you?

22. How do you handle rejection?

23. Give me a time when you made a tough or unpopular decision.

24. Tell me more of a time when someone made you change your way of doing things.

Competency Questions

25. How IT literate are you?

26. How can you be useful with so little practical knowledge?

27. What is (a number from 31 to 95) multiplied by (a number from 31 to 95)?

Please talk out loud so I hear what you are thinking and do not use a pen and paper.*

28. What is 1 divided by (a number from 1 to 19) to 5 decimal places? Please talk out loud so I hear what you are thinking and do not use a pen and paper.*

29. It is (pick a time, e.g. 17:45). What is the angle between the big and small hands on a clock at this
time? Please talk out loud so I hear what you are thinking and do not use a pen and paper.*

(Note: *These type of questions will normally only be asked when applying to professional services firms and/or banks!)

30. Why do you not have better academic results? We are interviewing 4 other people today who have better results…

31. Why should we hire you? (Note: This is also a personality question as you must summarize what differentiates you and why you are the most suitable candidate for the position.)

32. How come it took you (X) years to do your undergraduate degree? Was there some kind of problem?

Open Questions

33. What changes would you make if you could go back in time?

34. What do you want to achieve in life?

35. What are your achievements so far?

36. What does teamwork mean to you?

37. If we had asked you to come to this interviewer in fancy dress, would you have come and if so what would you have worn?

38. What would you do if you won the lottery?

39. Discuss a decision you regretted and why.

40. Tell me about a major crisis in your life and how you handled it.

41. Tell me about a time you gave up.

42. Describe 3 failures in your life.

43. What is the biggest problem you have faced recently and how you resolved it?

44. What can you bring to this organization?

45. Who has influenced you most in your personal life?

46. Have you ever taken the blame for someone?

47. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

48. Name a time you had to give someone bad news.

49. Name the biggest challenge you have face to date and explain how you coped.

50. Who inspires you and why?

51. Name a time when you had to help someone.

52. Name a time when you had to go the extra mile.

53. Name a time when you had to be clear about objectives and how this helped.

Skills Questions

General: 54. What area of your skills do you want to improve?

Initiative: 55. Can you give me evidence of a time when you demonstrated initiative in a job?

56. Can you give me evidence of a time when you demonstrated initiative to overcome a complication in your personal life?


57. Describe a situation where you had to make a fast decision and explain how you went about it. Describe the process you go through when making a decision.

58. Tell me a time when you made a quick decision and how you went about it?


59. Give an example of a situation where you worked as a team, what challenges you encountered and how you handled these.

60. How should you handle a non-performing team member?

61. Name a time when you disagreed with a team member.


62. Give an example of a time when you had to take a stand on an issue.

63. Give an example of a recommendation of yours that was implemented.

64. How do you get support for your ideas from other people?


65. How do you handle pressure?

66. When was the last time you lost your temper and why?

67. How does your family/friends know you are under pressure?

68. Tell me of a time when you lost your patience and why.


69. Give an example of a time when you analyzed a situation and how did you go about improving it?

Communication skills:

70. Give me a time when you have explained something complicated to someone.

71. Explain the difference between (international law and international private law)? Exemplify this difference by giving an example.

72. How do you feel about public speaking?

Questions about your Current Position

73. What does your current job involve?

74. Why are you leaving your present job?

75. What kind of pressures have you encountered in your work experience?

76. Where else did you apply to? (Note: see below)

77. What other job offers do you have? (Warning: Try not to be too cocky heretelling them about too many offers may make the employer think you do not really want/need the job and thus make them reluctant to make you an offer, even if you are a good candidate; Ensure that you mention only related job offers- it will be hard to persuade the employer that you are passionate about employment law if all the other job offers are from firms who specialize in media law!)

78. Describe when you have utilized a created or innovative solution to a problem you faced in your previous position?

79. Tell me about conflicts that arose during your current job.

Questions about the Job you are applying for

80. Why do you want to work in this sector?

81. What area of our business do you find particularly interesting and why?

82. What do you know about our business?

83. Why do you want to work for us?

84. What interests you about our product/service?

85. Are you willing to relocate?

86. How do you rank us in relation to our competitors?

87. What are you looking for in an employer?

88. Which part of this role is least attractive to you?

89. Why do you think you would like this role?

90. How do you see technology impacting our business?

91. What are the biggest misconceptions about our business?

92. What puts you off working for this firm?

93. What, in your opinion, is wrong with this firm?


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